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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

WGT MC 14 : Results!


After a rocky rocky start, things started to become clear what was going to happen. Would it be a repeat of WCG where Hungary Gorky beat Peru Darki or would Darki get his revenge?

With the battles begining and me already starting to lose my voice it was clear that they would be good games. Gorky a 4-3 MatchCast record took on the new commer Darki with high standards. Darki, surprised many at WCG and he wasn't about to let Gorky beat him 2 times.

Quick game summaries

Game 1 : Paranoid Andriod
Protoss vs Protoss, Gorky takes a quick expansion while blocking the one bridge with 2 pylons. Darki evens up the expansion count but gorky quickly gets 2 more. Massing out to around 200/200 each Gorky goes for the attack wanting bottom left. After overpowering Gorky wins.
Gorky 1 - 0 Darki

Game 2 : Gaia
PvP once again, Darki down 1-0 doesn't want another loss. He decides to get reavers a bit later than Gorky does. As the games went on.. Gorky tried to mass expand again but this time Darki was there waiting with 2 big attacks. Gorky fought off the first, but the second was too much.
Gorky 1 - 1 Darki

Game 3 : Nostalgia
As always PvP, Gorky decides not to do his mass expandiing this time, Darki though is able to get an expansion off and keeps Gorky cut off.. Darki with I believe 8 gateways masses SpeedLots and Dt's to finish Gorky off. Gorky says GG after atleast 20 probes die to storm
Gorky 1 - 2 Darki

Game 4 : Neo Requim
This one was different than the rest. Gorky steals Darki's gas, Darki being such a quick thinker decideds to cannon Gorky in above the ramp. It works as the battles keep raging on. Gorky though gets 2 reavers out in a shuttle, it sadly gets shot down.
Gorky 1 - 3 Darki

Game 5 : Luna
Gorky, down 1-3 does not want to have a 4 showing up anywhere decides to play this one like he should. He gets quick dragoon abuse going, stops a Nexus. His 4 gateways and expansion was just too much for Darki to take
Gorky 2 - 3 Darki

So Good job to both, Darki mostly for winning the 14th WGTour Matchcast. Untill next time when two more players will battle it out live for an audience over WGTRadio!

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