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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

RR: Play.Habit Vs. MannerGamego


Once again GG.net brings a game that's gonna blow you away. Our very own fellow gosu crew member Play.Habit face's up against MannerGamego in a Zerg Vs. Protoss on R-Point.

Sweden Play.Habit 221 APM | Starts at position 11 'o' clock.
South Korea MannerGamego 244 APM | Starts at position 5 'o' clock.

MannerGamego start of with a dual gate zealot mass, while Play.Habit is taking his expansion and securing with 2 sunkens and a few lings, MannerGamego has teched quickly to speedlots and is gonna try and break zerg with alot of zealots. Meanwhile a corsair is going berserk around the map.
Play.Habit fends of the speedlots with a blockade of a few hydra, lings and lots of drones.

Hydras arriving and a Spire almost done at Play.Habit now, but MannerGamego has taken his expansion, templars and zealots / cannons protecting it.

Play.Habit taking yet another expansion and MannerGamego massing up his gateways to get the macro going.

Very nice ZvP on this map, plague tickling the MannerGamego and maelstorm stunning Play.Habit.
Storms frying Play.Habit and then swarm covering the Zerg. Statis putting Play.Habit back in time to ICE age.

What do you say about the Ultralisks / zerglings / lukers / hydralisks / scourges vs DarkArchons , Archons, Templars, Dragoons, Zealots and Arbiters ?


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