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StarCraft18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers



Award after award, tell us where to vote or participate and our community will be there as one. As we have always been. Good Job BlizzPlanet, GG.net, PGTour.net, WGTour.com, ScLEgacy, TL.net, Teambio.net and all the other sites that pitched in.

WOG_4x4_web_new.jpgA little history on the Walk of Game though. They began last year with Halo, Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Link making the cut to get stars for the Games/Characters catagory. The winners for the Lifetime Achievement award was Nolan Bushnell (creator of Pong and the Atari Corporation) and Shigeru Miyamoto (creator of Mario, Link, and other various Nintendo titles).

Let me quote United States DJTyrant again.

"Our beloved StarCraft is up for a Games/Characters award from The Walk of Game at the Meteron in San Fransisco. If voted in StarCraft will recieve an award that will placed into the ground at the Meteron as a permanent 24" by 24" customized steel star on the Walk of Game."

Well we are please to inform that Starcraft made it. As one of our members well put it, "guys - give yourself a pat int the back!" Another award to the books. Number #1. Add the sites you saw support this as a reply here and we will add the complete list here.

Walkofgame.com - Starcraft Award
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