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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

A StarCraft Halloween


StarCraft and Halloween have more in common than you'd expect. Read on to see how you can bring the two together.

Sound effects and music

Lots of people use sound effects CDs for Halloween, but you can set yourself apart from the crowd. Just download and run the Brood War Sound Utility (click here for the vanilla SC version). Once you've extracted the sound files, simply burn them to a CD and set your player to loop. The Zerg sounds are best for creating a spooky effect.

While the Terran theme is down to earth, the Zerg and Protoss in-game music is a lot more mysterious and haunting. Once you've downloaded the soundtrack, burn and enjoy. If you have 2 CD players, layer the music and sound for maximum effect.

Pumpkin carving

You can cut just about anything out of a pumpkin if you put your mind to it. Below are a few stencils you can use.


United States indo's tribute to Yellow's BlizzCon win


A GosuGamers stencil

Battle.net - Download sound utility
Broodwar.de - Starcraft soundtrack

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