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StarCraft19 years agoRaistlin

Nal_Ra and Mondi to BlizzCon


Two more players have been announced for the BlizzCon StarCraft Invitational tournament. We did not have to wait until Monday apparently, as Nal_Ra and Mondragon was just added to the player list! Now, only the #1 and the #8 are left.

Invited to BlizzCon

#1 None N/A
#2 Korea Reach
#3 Korea Yellow
#4 Korea Nal_Ra
#5 Germany Mondragon
#6 United States Assem
#7 Canada Testie
#8 None N/A
One of them is one of the most famous progamers in South Korea, known for his unique and creative playing style. The other is also famous, and considered one of the absolute best players in the world, excluding the Korean progamers. The first-mentioned is none other than the Protoss progamer Nal_Ra, member of KTF and one of the highest paid progamers in the scene. In the first round of the BlizzCon SC tournament, he goes up against Mondragon, leader of Templars of Twilight and maybe most known for winning the Samsung European Championship 2005, along with a mile long list of online merits.

Missing a Terran and a Random player

days left
Now, if Blizzard decides to keep the races even, they have yet to put up another Terran and a Random player on spot #1 and #8. There are many that believe one of the three Korean Terran emperors, say Boxer, iloveoov or NaDa is hiding behid the #1 seed. And who is the one behind #8? Some think it is the Chinese player LinYu)Pj, although in a forum post, » Ilvy informs that he did not get a VISA to attend. And BoxeR and July could not attend either she wrote. We will let you know as soon as the last tow players are announced!

Korea Nal_Ra
Germany Mondragon

BlizzCon.com - BlizzCon Invitational Player list

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