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Glynnys: Seaside Scottish Games

[s]starcraft[/s]Kerrigan.gifGlynnis Talken -- voice actress of Starcraft Kerrigan and Diablo II Rogue/Kashya -- will have her last public presentation before she dedicates to finish her medieval romance book to be Published by Warner on April 2006. Glynnis recently signed with Warner as new publisher and her new writer seudonym will be Sarah McKerrigan. You can find her at the Seaside Scottish Games at Seaside Park in Ventura, California. Glynnis will be there all day Saturday and Sunday, October 8th and 9th at the Tea & Sympathy booth. Although the event is not Blizzard related, she has told me in the past that all Starcraft and Diablo II fans are more than welcome to show up for a autograph on any poster, game box, or product; a photo or simply to say hello. Read the Newsletter below:
thumb_glynnis.jpgThere's a great deal of focus on the Supreme Court of the United States lately, but did you know that our present system of justice had its roots in medieval England? It's true that disagreements in the early Middle Ages were settled by combat, inspiring the phrase "might makes right." But by the 12th century, Henry II introduced many changes to the judicial system. He established the King's Court, from which Justices journeyed throughout the land in much the same capacity as our current circuit judges. When a trial was conducted, the local sheriff would call in twelve men, and though their function was to serve more or less as character witnesses for or against the defendant, this concept of a jury of twelve peers hasn't changed in over 800 years!

This month, I'll be doing my last booksigning for a while as I buckle down to finish my second Sarah McKerrigan novel. If you're in the area and can come, I'd love to see you at the Tea & Sympathy booth at the Seaside Scottish Games at Seaside Park in Ventura, California. I'll be there all day Saturday and Sunday, October 8th and 9th.

You know, one of the perks of being a "rock star's wife" is lots of Frequent Flyer miles, and last week I was fortunate enough to fly to New York to have lunch with my editor at Warner. She's very excited about the new book coming out in April, and we kicked around lots of great ideas for promotion. My new website is coming soon, featuring book excerpts, a blog, fun surveys, a message board, and a photo gallery for fans. Then in April, when LADY DANGER hits the shelves, I'll be starting up a Sarah McKerrigan contest with some wonderful medieval prizes!

Until then, I'll continue to run my Knights of de Ware contest. September's winner and the recipient of the latest prize package is...ANNETTE TAYLOR of Albion, Illinois. Annette's winnings include:

*"A LITTLE KNIGHT MUSIC"--ORIGINAL CD OF MEDIEVAL SONGS (arranged and produced by my musician husband Rich Campbell!)and *A "KNIGHTS OF DE WARE" LIMITED EDITION BOOKLIGHT

If you'd like a chance to win October's contest, visit my website and enter. (If you've entered in previous months, no need to enter again--your name will stay in the database for all future drawings!)

Virtual hugs to everyone who continues to promote my books, whether through word of mouth, hand selling in bookstores, or purchasing copies for friends and loved ones. Your support is truly appreciated.

May justice always be on your side!

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