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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers



Starcraft #2 Best Game of all time award at CNET. Starcraft's awards list keeps getting longer and longer. Maybe one day we will see the longest surviving RTS award here at GG.net.


As a part of it's tenth anniversary celebration, CNET regularly publishes top 10 lists from the last ten years. Bettered only by Half-Life, Starcraft has taken the #2 spot, once again establishing that it is the number one RTS of all time. This is yet another award to add to Starcraft's staggering list of achievements.

This supports the fact that just because a game is newer, or has amazing graphics, it is not necessarily better, the list has 4 games dating back to


- Starcraft, Half-Life, Metal Gear Solid, and The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time.

Starcraft was praised for it's multiplayer gaming, a great single-player mode, and addicting gameplay made even more interesting by having 3 unique races, that were not unit clones with different graphics.

Here is what CNET had to say:

Often compared to the various Warcraft and Command and Conquer titles that preceded it, Starcraft had some pretty large anticipatory shoes to fill. While the debate raged as to whether Starcraft was the best real-time strategy (RTS) title up to that time, the fact remained that with Starcraft, Blizzard did a great job of sticking to the RTS formula that was heralded in by Warcraft and Command and Conquer.

Obviously they did their research, but judging by the language one can deduce that the author himself never played Starcraft, as he went on to explain:

With a great multiplayer mode, Starcraft's single player (or campaign) mode was both long and compelling. Players could choose from one of three races: the insect-like Zerg, the interstellar everymen Terrans, and the high-tech Protoss. The game-play itself was so addictive that players often played the game through three times just to experience it from the perspective of all three races.

//Submitted and written by GG.net Guest Writer Canada Tyler "varaon" Dickerson.

CNET.com - Source
Blizzard.com - Starcraft's Growing Award List

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