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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Brazil WCG update

The official brackets for the WCG Brazil Grand Finals have been released. The elite players will be there, accompanied by many new faces. This weekend everything will be decided two representatives will be sent to the WCG finals.

This year many of the former Starcraft players are not participating. Examples are Brazil Yankees, Brazil Bigboy[SOA], among others, who just quit playing or are not willing to play due to personal reasons (work, study, etc.) I know we are all getting older. Some of the players who are in the final brackets could be in a better shape, but despite this, we can expect great games to come in view that the four best Brazilian Starcraft gamers are in the race: [TMG]HellGhost, Blackmaster, Odin[SomE], SW)ReasoN.

But even those who are not favorites might create some upsets, and who knows, maybe even get a spot to the Grand Finals in Singapore! This year, the two best players will head on to the Mecca of e-Sports. The brackets have been defined, the games will be played by this weekend, and GosuGamers will give you further details afterwards. Stay tuned! Here are the first match-ups and the time schedule.

gameonbrasil2005.gif #1 Odin[SomE]
23/09 18:00
#16 Cyborg

#9 LG)kelsen
23/09 18:00
#8 Pazuzu

#5 TiTaN
23/09 18:00
#12 Crast

#13 dF
23/09 18:00
#4 [TMG]HellGhost

#3 BlackMaster
23/09 19:00
#14 Ozzy

#11 Inv
23/09 19:00
#6 MoSkA

#7 MissDirect
23/09 19:00
#10 BigCrazy

#15 Swift
23/09 19:00
#2 SW)Reason

//Submitted and written by GG.net Guest Writer Brazil kmk)heaD.

Worldcybergames.com.br - WCG Brazil
Hangarnet.com - Hangarnet: Brazilian Nation Portal

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