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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

More Poland


Well as of now I have more Poland Polish news than I could shake a stick at. Poland is right now the most active Brood War national team. Not only are they active, they are wining consistently. Today Korea T.3), tomorrow a rematch with T.3), and Sunday a match with Korea Pro.NT and Bolivia Bolivia B.

First off the match today was not complete. Each match only consisted of one game. But, tomorrow Poland Poland will either finish the battle or they will restart it completely. The match for tomorrow against Korea T.3) will start at 15:00 CET.

The results of the T.3) match from this morning went extremely well for the nation of Poland and its members. Poland POL-Cyru, the Polish captain, would have to be really proud of his countrymen right about now. Although no 2 vs. 2 matches were played five 1 vs. 1 matches were played.

Poland Poland


Korea T.3)


Poland POL-Draco>Korea T.3)Special1-0
Poland POL-TomsOn>Korea T.3)Genius1-0
Poland POL-Avernum>Korea T.3)Sub-Zero1-0
Poland POL-Zyneck>Korea T.3)Bus-Driver1-0
Poland POL-Raven>Korea T.3)Minam1-0

As mentioned before there will either be a rematch of the games or they will just try to finish the current series that was already started. As of now the Polish are not sure, and will see when tomorrow rolls around.

Poland still has events planned for this coming Sunday none the less. They have another match in their "Tour de Korea." They will face a powerful Korean guild. Korea Pro.NT is not known but some of its members are very known in the Brood War scene. Korea Pro.Nt_Sonjjang, Korea Pro.NT_JuniToss, Korea Pro.Nt_FantaSy, and Korea Pro.Nt_RyokO are just a few top notch players that may show up Sunday. The match will start at 13:00 CET is everything goes as originally planned.

Poland will also have another match Sunday afternoon. At 21:00 CET Poland will face off with Bolivia Bolivia B. The match will not be a full out Nation vs. Nation battle, but it will be something like three 2 vs. 2 matches.

Good luck to Poland throughout this entire weekend. More news coming soon about their matches as well, so look for that. Also I will be looking around for the replay pack of the matches that were played this morning.

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