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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Hamachi Server Reset


The Conclave, a GG.net member has updated his Hamachi Servers and established a few new rules to make gaming through them more likely. These server are ideal for personal matches and for those players who want to enjoy better latency.

Starcraft gaming on Hamachi is now at a stage where its popularity has faded for the few that tried it and abandoned it after their initial encounters of it. As a result I now get many people asking me why they can't get into some networks because they are too full. Therefore I reset all the servers earlier today. All sc-gosu Hamachi servers will be cleaned out (all will be removed and you will have to join again). Please do not take offense to your eviction, because it is only to free up networks from those players who never logged back on by choice or due to time zone differences.

Also, I have listed these networks on several forums including the » Hamachi Forum detailing a public listing network database in which sc-gosu networks are now listed. For those wanting to rejoin the Hamachi network, the sc-gosu networks are: sc-gosu, sc-gosu1 thru to sc-gosu15 with the password still as "gosu".

Also the sc-gosu network (name: sc-gosu pw: gosu) is now specifically designed and dedicated for online players only. A big thank you to Zergnation for the idea. He has a dedicated online network under "Gosugamers-X" password is "gosu". That is, only online and playing gamers shall join this network. Any gamer I see offline or static I will evict to keep this network free and this should be the sole centre for future gaming.

Note that I allow you to take residence in only 3 sc-gosu networks at a time, with the exception of you being online in sc-gosu aswell if already in 3 (e.g. online in sc-gosu1,4,13. I will allow access to sc-gosu at the same time. Of course, you may join many networks and break the quota of 3 whilst online to find other players. Please do not camp and refrain from taking up too many networks as best you can. Its just etiquette for the others you share this network with.

To avoid future situations like this one, I ask could you please be a sportsman and leave network if you are planning never or not likely to return any time soon. This just makes a better gaming experience for those who are enjoying this awesome program. That is it from me, until next time. Should be an interesting few weeks with a fresher starcraft gaming experience approaching. Happy gaming!

//News from our Starcraft forums by Australia Kyle "The Conclave" Irvine.

Redboxen.ath.cx - Hamachi Servers
Gosugamers.net - Previous News & Download
Hamachi.cc - Hamachi Download

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