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StarCraft19 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

TFL WinterFragFest 2004 LAN


The Swedish have their Dreamhack and Optihack, but a week from today the second largest yearly SC tournament in Canada, second only to WCG Canada, the TFL WinterFrag 2004 will be held!

This year TFL (Toronto Fun League) has teamed up with the International Academy of Design & Technology along with other sponsors to host the biggest LAN tournament ever in Toronto, Canada. This event will be held from Friday Decemeber 17th 3pm to Sunday December 19th 5pm. The event venue will be the CBC/IOAD building downtown Toronto only a few blocks away from the CN Tower and the Skydome.

The registration fees are as follows:
$25 CDN early registrations | $35 CDN door | Spectators FREE

There is also a fee to register for the premium tournaments which is $15 CDN meaning if you register early it will cost $40 CDN and at the door will be $50 CDN. As always specators will get in free and be able to watch all the games that will be going on.

This will be a BYOC event with Match Computers only for the tournaments, this means that if you bring your own computer you can play fun matches with other people while you wait for your tournament. The SC prize pot will be the largest in North American all year.

The Prizes (CDN):
1v1 Starcraft : Broodwar Premium Tournament
1st - $800 (Sponsor Merchandise + $240 cash)
2nd - $600 (Sponsor Merchandise + $180 cash)
3rd - $400 (Sponsor Merchandise + $60 cash)
4th ~ 8th (Sponsor Merchandise)
(based on 32 players)

The map pool selected for this event is the best one yet! (In the past they used WCG maps but due to community input they have changed their maps)
- Nostalgia 1.3 (9 votes) (21.43%)
- Gaema Gowon (6 votes) (14.29%)
- Lost Temple (6 votes) (14.29%)
- Jim Raynor Memory (5 votes) (11.90%)
- Plains to Hill (5 votes) (11.90%)

Some of the players who are attending this event are Canada rS.Pride[tC], Canada Jiang (all the way from Manitoba!), Canada H_Paul_WII, and Canada HnR)Alex.
This means that Canada rS.Testie (#2 WCGCanada), Canada rS.Veg (#1 WCGCanada), Canada GiYom (#3 WCGCanada), Canada rS.Bulloch (#1 WCGOntario), Canada rS.Debit (#1 RFL Seed), Canada rS.Louden will all be absent, increasing your chances of winning!

So if you have been waiting all year long for a LAN event like this to happen in Canada, now is the time to go and register or just go to specate the games that will be played.

Winter FragFest Page - Registration and more info
TFL.com - Organizer
CanadaSCTeam Forum - Talk with others attending this Event

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