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StarCraft14 years agoRaistlin

Shinhan Bank Proleague: KHAN vs. ACE - Results

Player vs Player map
bravE > GoRush Match Point
Jangbi > RuBy Fighting Spirit
Juni > YellOw Outsider SE


Viewers were robbed of the anticipated rematch between firebathero and Much when Brave, JangBi and Juni finished the job for Samsung KHAN.

Brave did a reverse cannon contain on ACE's GoRush which set the oldschool player back heaps. Brave then played very solid and defensive aside from corsair overlord snipes and held the advantage throughout the entire game.

Three-time silver medalist JangBi, thought by many as the best Protoss player against Terrans, fell out of both EVER 2009 OSL and NATE 2009 MSL last year and showed up-and-down results in the Proleague.

Today's match against RuBy was a shaky one, as the Samsung KHAN Protoss had trouble against RuBy's vulture raids and defensive stand. But thanks to well placed storms and a perfect stasis field lay in the deciding moment JangBi could ultimately win the game over to his team's favour.

RuBy is now deep down in an 8-game losing streak, of which two of those are by JangBi's hand. He did, however, play very solid throughout the game until the end, so his recent statistics does not fully reflect his current form.

The last game saw Juni defeat YellOw in a quick ZvZ match after mutalisk battle where YellOw screwed up his mass scourge attack.

After this clear 3-0 win, KHAN gets a boost in the jumbo ranks and can finally look upwards in the league rankings.

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