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StarCraft15 years agoRaistlin

eSTRO on the lookout for foreign players

Photo by Fomos.kr


Foreigner-friendly team eSTRO revealed in a recent interview that a new foreign player is to be expected in the team.

"eSTRO will once again have another foreign player just like when we invited Nony (photo) and Idra to stay with us," said Kim Sung Hwan to Fomos. "We enjoy the company of our foreign gaming companions."

In an open Q&A session at TeamLiquid, Kim Sung Hwan says that he has looked at various foreign players with the help of Dan "Artosis" Stemkoski.

"Artosis have provided me a lot of replays as well as their accomplishments," answers Kim Sung Hwan.

While NonY was invited after showing his skill and potential in a tournament hosted by SCForAll.com, it seems like the next invitee for eSTRO will be determined after looking at the players at the upcoming IEF tournament.

"I will be at the IEF tournament and I am planning to meet some players," says the eSTRO manager and gives a flaky answer to when an addition to their roster can be expected: "Maybe in a month or two, that's all I can say for right now."

Kim Sung Hwan was previously managing the Counter-Strike team of eSTRO, but has now transferred to the StarCraft team. Hwan does not feel the language barrier is that much trouble.

"If you look around you'll see many worldwide players in MLB as well as in EPL," he says and adds: "I just think e-Sports is another kind of sport that have to create and improve by co-working throughout the world."

"Foreigners do provide some different aspects of the game," says Hwan.

TeamLiquid.net - Source

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