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Overwatch4 years agoNestor "jhoves" Abuluyan Jr.

Crazy Overwatch Orisa exploit makes Supercharger indestructible

A new exploit that’s making the rounds in the Overwatch community allows Orisa to deploy her Supercharger where enemies can’t target or damage it on Junkertown.

Orisa’s Supercharger is a powerful ult that buffs the damage of each teammate within range, but it is vulnerable to being destroyed by enemies while active. However, a new exploit

Normally, Supercharger is deployed with 200 health, which honestly isn’t a whole lot when the entire enemy team is trying to burn it down.

But, an exploit currently making the rounds on social media allows Orisa's Supercharger to either go below ground or into the ceiling on the second checkpoint of Junkertown.


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