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General8 years ago

Laser Kittenz Assembles for the Overwatch PIT Championships

The exciting news from Europe seems to never end.

Newly founded organization, Laser Kittenz, has recently announced the acquisition of Bench Boys. The roster will merge the core of Finley “Kyb” Adisi, Sergi “Winghaven” Torras, and Luis “Greyy” Perestrelo from Bench Boys with new additions Carl “crems” Asepehult, Nikolaj “Zaprey” Moses, and Herman “Nesh” Kobrin. This lineup combines tested players with some new names. 

The most exciting will be the re-emergence of Zaprey, formerly of Graviton Surge and Misfits. His arrival on Gravitron Surge propelled them to a strong start immediately after the Open Release, but the DPS player temporarily left the scene to concentrate more on school. He will be paired with emerging DPS talents, Kyb and Nesh, both of whom have had prior top level experience. Kyb is best known for his stint on REUNITED, while Nesh played for the old ANOX lineup. The team is rounded out by ex-REUNITED tank, Winghaven and two rising star supports in Crems and Greyy.

The roster is gearing up to make a run for the Overwatch League and looks to be talks with investors to form a strategic partnership to aid the Overwatch League Buy-in. The organization itself will be led by former Misfits General Manager, Ali Saba. which brings a sizeable amount of experience to a brand new team. The squad will be coached by Chris “Spazzo” Infante.

The roster formation comes the same week as the Overwatch PIT Championships, where this newly formed organization will be competing against the likes of Ninjas in Pyjamas, Eunited, Movistar Riders, Dignitas, Hammers Esports, and Misfits in what looks to be the most stacked European tournament of recent memory. 

Be sure to check out this new organization on Twitter at @LaserKittenz

For more competitive Overwatch news, follow us @GosuOverwatch.

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