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Overwatch7 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Overwatch Alienware Monthly Melee returns for March - Dates announced

The Overwatch Alienware Monthly Melee is back for March and this iteration might feature some of the long-gone-to-Korea teams.

The Alienware Monthly Melee is back for another iteration in March. This month will likely bring even more great teams to the tournament, considering OGN's APEX Season 2 is concluding soon. This means that teams like Cloud9, MisfitsFnatic and possibly even EnVyUs are going to be able to compete for the crown of this month.

March's tournament will take place on the 18th and 19th of March, in less than 2 weeks.

We do not yet know what teams will be invited but you can expect that announcement to come out this week or early next week. It won’t be long before we know what caliber of tournament we are going to have but the AMM's have no disappointed yet.

Last month's tournament featured teams like Rogue, coL, FaZe, and underdogs LG Evil (formerly Hammers Esports). Hammers Esports in particular impressed with making it to the finals and giving Rogue a solid run for their money. It will be interesting to see if teams such as Cloud9 or Fnatic compete in this tournament and how the other teams will matchup against these returning powerhouses.

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