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Overwatch7 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

GosuGamers Overwatch 1v1 Sneak Peak Tournament NA #2

Event Hub 

As a continuation of our 1v1 Sneak Peek tournament circuit, we have another session scheduled for Thursday, January 5th. For those new to the tournament format, players will face off against each other as randomly selected characters, similar to the Mystery Hero 1v1 format in the arcade. The bracket will be a best-of-one double elimination format with the Grand Finals being a best of 3.

A total of 64 slots are available for players interested in participating in the tournament. Our goal with this event is to showcase the high individual skill of the contestants, while also testing out the new GosuGamers tournament platform. 

Also, for the first time, this event will be streamed live at https://www.twitch.tv/gosutv_ow

Our scheduling for the event will be as follows:

Wednesday, January 4th

6:00 PM EST - Registration starts

Thursday, January 5th

3:00 PM EST - Check-in

6:00 PM EST - Tournament start

If you are in need of support during the event, feel free to send a message to Shane "dvexx" Waters. You can find him on Discord at https://discord.gg/67gRz

For more competitive Overwatch news, follow @GosuOverwatch.

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