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Overwatch7 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Oasis soon playable on Public Test Realm

The new map that was teased during BlizzCon 2016 is now available for you to try out (after Blizzard fixes their servers)!

While Overwatch is not free-to-play, a business model that has become the norm for multiplayer games in recent years, it does mimick it in one way: continual content updates and expansions! Blizzard stated that they considered multiple ways of bringing this new content to the consumer, but lucky for us they ended up just including all future content in the initial purchase price.

This is why, soon, everybody will be able to play the new Control map: Oasis. As a matter of fact, it is already available for PC players on the PTR! Before you get too excited though, Blizzard had some issues with their new PTR version and you might or might not be able to find games at the moment.

Oasis, as stated, is the newest map coming to the game. It is a Control-mode map which brings a few new mechanics.

For one, the jump pad that we have discussed earlier on. It is located on the outside of one of the three points. This jump pad will function more like a faster elevator, and less so as like a way to start mimicking Quake gameplay. But, Blizzard might decide to take it further next time if the feedback is positive.

Secondly, Blizzard has added Frogger to the edges of the map. Or rather, a highway that features fast riding cars which will instantly kill you on contact. We do not expect this flavourful pseudo-border to have a large impact in the gameplay, because it is so far removed from the objectives. You might be able to occassionally boop or knockback someone into their doom, however.

Because of the issues the PTR is having right now, we couldn't get much more data compiled just yet. For now, take a look at Overwatch Central's video, and expect a more in-depth article of us soon!

For more competitive Overwatch news, follow @GosuOverwatch.

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