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Overwatch7 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Here's a Suggestion: More communication commands

If you could change something in Overwatch, what would it be? Sometimes it’s the subtle changes that feel the greatest. In this series, we’ll go over some of the quality of life changes that could be made in Overwatch.


In the first part of this series we brought up the in-game command wheel, and how a range radar could be added to improve some of the ping options. In this edition, we will take another look at these in-game command options. Maybe there’s room for a few more, to help improve team play and quality of life in-game.
One thing to note is that the current commands do not feature ways that helps out with directions. A lot of support players have troubles getting flanked, and their teammates not noticing it. This is true for quick play, or lower ranked (sometimes even higher ranked) competitive play. Since communication is key in a game like Overwatch, sometimes things go unnoticed.


The basic idea that came to mind was to help save Support life. They are often left alone and defenseless (unless you embrace the battle Mercy). But commands for other purposes could also be useful. Some suggestion that could be added to help teamplay might be:

  • 'Watch out behind you!', which would highlight the player that you point at
  • 'Defend me, I am getting attacked', most useful for supports or that Reinhardt who has to keep his shield up
  • 'Focus this player!', which would highlight the opponent you had on your crosshair

These are just a few suggestions, which will hopefully help promote synergy between a team of solo-queuing players.

Up- and downsides

The clear upside to this change would be the improvement of communication. Not everyone feels comfortable to, or is able to, use the voice communication in-game. And even if you do talk regularly, these options can still come in handy and are easily understood (after some experience with them).
Another benefit of adding the above examples is the way it helps remove a bit of frustration from playing Support (or even Tank). Generally, it can feel as if you are left alone as a Tank or Support player. You can be the most important member of your team, but they still leave you alone with a enemy McCree or ignore the fact that there’s a Tracer waiting to flank. So maybe, MAYBE, this can help people feel less… Abandoned. After all, the world could always use more Supports.

A downside would be something that already happens in-game at the moment: some people will still not care, or choose not to notice what’s going on around them. Some people choose to play Overwatch as a single player, and that can’t be changed by adding more methods of communication.
Another issue to consider is potential cluttering of the command wheel. Since Overwatch is a hectic game, it especially needs simplicity in this interface to keep use of the wheel accurate in the heat of the moment.

Do you agree or disagree with these thoughts? Do you have your own ideas for additional command lines,  or quality of life changes in general? Let us know!

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