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Overwatch7 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

APEX grand finals is set: EnVyUs vs. Afreeca

Impeccable play on Eichenwalde kept the foreign dream alive. The APEX grand finals is set.

In one week’s time, EnVyUs will play Afreeca Freecs for the $90,000 first place prize of OGN APEX, South Korea’s premier Overwatch tournament. EnVy’s journey has taken them through a rough group stage where they finished second behind the flawless Lunatic Hai and then two five-game playoff series against Rogue and now KD Uncia to make it to the final match.

With two map wins apiece, the semi final featuring EnVy was to be decided on Eichenwalde. Powering through on the escort, EnVy entered the final stretch with about two and a half minutes to spare ahead of the most difficult part of the map. This is where substitute player Mickie came to shine, landing a triple-kill D.Va ultimate to clear the way for his team and getting them the three-pointer.

In comparison, KD’s offense was marginally weaker. Not contesting the high ground gave Harryhook’s Soldier: 76 a free DPS reign over the Koreans, who barely made it past the first point on overtime but were stopped at bridge by Cocco’s Earthshatter for EnVy’s decisive win.

This is the second time EnVy will contest the gold of a premier LAN event and it will be their first one should they win. In September, the team behind captain Internethulk was stopped by Misfits at the ELEAGUE Overwatch open in four games. Another LAN defeat was had by EnVy at the ESL Atlantic Showdown where Rogue stopped them 3-2 in the semi-finals stage.

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