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Overwatch7 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Slicing through everyone with Genji in our “Best of” series

You chose your favourite cyborg ninja Genji to be featured in our new “Best of” series.

We collected some of the best Genji higlights throughout competitive games in this new episode of our “Best of” series. The clips were taken from our own GosuGamers’ weekly tournaments, the Atlantic Showdown and the Overwatch World Cup.

Part of the higlights in the video see TviQ from Rogue cleaning up the backline of Cloud9, or Whaz from Team Liquid who is chasing the desperate crew of Team Solomid and even forcing them back to their spawn room, which keeps the payload in their hands. CoL's dps player Torktjo pops his Dragonblade at the same time as his enemy’s and takes him out easily, after which it’s just a matter of cleaning up.

So far for our “Best of” montage of Genji. Let us know what hero you would like to appear in our next “Best of” video. If you have any other content ideas for our YouTube channel, we are always open for suggestions. Let us know in the comments!

For more competitive Overwatch news, follow @GosuOverwatch.

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