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Overwatch8 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

First Overwatch LAN today! GEFORCE Cup at Gamers Assembly

After a few months of online tournaments, it's Gamers Assembly's honor to host the first offline tournament. Later today in France.

Gamers Assembly is one of the largest gaming festivals in France, that has welcomed thousands of fans since 2000. This year they will add Overwatch as a tournament to their classic line-up of League of Legends, Counter-Strike and many more titles.

With a total prizepool of 3000 euros, the tournament will run for two days starting today (13:00 CET)! The following teams have already signed up, and will be playing through Group Stage and the Double Elimination bracket:

The English cast will be provided by Robert Evans and AsteriskZero on this channel, and there will also be a Russian stream here. We hope to provide you with a match schedule as soon as possible.

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