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Eccentric dominates GosuGamers Overwatch Weekly NA #3

Overwatch Weeklies NA Coverage Hub

As the favorite to win, Melty esports club fell surprisingly easy to some soul crushing Genji play on the side of Eccentric

With the return of our Overwatch weekly tournament series, we got to see the new Overwatch balance changes in full affect. Some of the best fraggers in Overwatch were present for this tournament, showing all of us just how the new Control style maps can be played. Melty esports club tried their best, but couldn't take a single game off of Eccentric. I can't say what was in the water that Eccentric was drinking, but their Overwatch was impeccable.

It's hard not to talk about the amazing Genji play in game 1, and if you didn't catch it live, you have to watch the VoD. The play is even more impressive because it's not some streamer against a bunch of pubs- this is an organized team of 5 tournament winning players being mowed down by a single Hero.

Grand FInals match page and VoDS

The rest of the games showcased some of the newly buffed heroes, including Zenyatta and Soldier: 76. Zenyatta in particular was a big play maker during the entire tournament, as in light of Mercy nerfs,  Zenyatta's Transcendence is quickly becoming a key element in teams pushing strategies.

Find full coverage of the Overwatch Weeklies in our coverage hub, including VODs, news and results. If you're a competitor yourself, make sure to register for Cup #4 coming this Saturday.

For more competitive Overwatch news, follow us on @GosuOverwatch.

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