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General18 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Blizzard Tournament Calendar


A few days ago, Battle.net has announced a new event, the Sandlot Tournament. Now, a new feature appeared on the Battle.net website, the Tournament Calendar.


This new calendar, or event schuedle, has been created in order to help the community. Both online and offline tournaments are listed on this column.

This tournament calendar, according to Netherlands nvnplatypus, is meant to accomplish a few things:

1. Be an easy way to check what events are coming up near you if you want to participate.
2. Track what e-sport events are coming up if you want to follow them.
3. Help people plan tournaments/events and be able to check scheduling conflicts.
4. Help small events, PC cafes, and community-run tournaments and showmatches gain some publicity.

If there is any tournament you want to see there, you can » submit it to the Battle.net staff.

This Tournament Calendar is for both StarCraft and WarCraft, but you will be able to chose the informations you desire thanks to a game filter and to a country filter.
Click on the links below to access this Blizzard Tournament Calendar.

Battle.net - Battle.net site
Battle.net - Full version
TeamLiquid.net - Source

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