, the world's largest online video game streaming platform, has announced that the company will be seeking legal action against viewbotting websites. recently announced in a blog that the company will be seeking legal action against so-called "viewbotting" websites. The purpose of said websites is to artificially inflate the viewer/follower count and chat activity of a streamer on the platform. Bots have been known to be used not only to inflate personal view counts, but also to inflate those of other streamers, causing account suspensions and various accusations to be thrown at streamers.
Matthew DiPietro, Senior Vice President of Marketing at, expressed that indeed the website is well-aware of this malicious activity and will be addressing it head on. Currently the company has appropriated various technologies to detect such activity and remove it, as well as regular investigations on reports of viewbotting. Today the company has expressed that it will be legally pursuing companies that provide view/follower botting services, having already stated that it looks to be "taking public legal action against seven of the most active sellers of viewbot services".
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