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General11 years agoDreXxiN

The New kings of China battles it out against the Old

https://www.gosugamers.net/uploads/images/events/106-1365002025.jpeg" border="0"> The old kings attempting to show who's boss recommences today with incredible play from both sides and some new support openings coming into play in today's LPL. The day would kick off with Wings of Aurora facing off against Positive Energy, a game to entail high-action with the aggressive nature of both teams as well as the recent successes against high rated teams from Wings of Aurora/. However, Wings of Aurora found themselves uncomortably positioned in the wrong jungle. Unfortunately for them, their hopes of an invade would soon go sour as Aluka would pick up a first blood on Renekton to help ease the laning phase. The pressure was on from there onwards as Positive Energy would not only have the first blood kill and assist, but also be ahead in farm in all areas of the map. https://www.gosugamers.net/general/images/2013/may/DatFacecheck.PNG" border="0">

A tad less excitement would happen in the second game of the day, Team Livemore vs. Invictus Gaming Blue side jungler would once again be the first to bring the assault onto the top lane duo, however, and Livemore would acquire a kill for their jungler while Illusion would arrive just a slight bit too late. However, instead of taking the free kill and leaving, Livemore continued the aggression but Invictus Gaming was ready for it at this point. Going far beyond the point of comfort into the purple side jungle and first tier tower was a grave mistake and a thrown lead for LM. https://www.gosugamers.net/general/images/2013/may/overzealous.PNG" border="0">

Livemore getting a little overzealous with their gank attempts.
Utilizing the powerful synergy of Twisted Fate and Nocturne's global presence, Invictus Gaming would find themselves crushing the opposition, leaving little chance for throwing. All over the map and dominant in tower present, LM had a hard time keeping up with the movements of IG. 25 minutes in, the kill score would be almost triple in favor of Invictus Gaming, a team rarely known to throw a lead once it's acquired in the LPL. Though anything can happen, LM was hard pressed to find a solution. But could they stop the juggernaught that was IG?

The match prior to the final game of the day would most definitely be the crowd favorite and most anticipated. Would OMG secure their current dominance over the Chinese scene, or would the nigh deity of the region rise again to reclaim its throne? Things would definitely seem hopeful with a first blood erupting out of Misays with the roam. It wouldn't be long before OMG's mid would retaliate himself either though, landing a kill on Troll and grabbing gold for a quick Seeker's Armguard to combat Misaya's Zed. World Elite would continue to be on the receiving end of punishment, leading to a promising transition into midgame for OMG. https://www.gosugamers.net/general/images/2013/may/whataretowers.PNG" border="0">

What's a tower?
World Elite would get themselves back on their feet and manage to get some kills right in the right places -- on their carries. However, World Elite would fall short in objectives, being down 3 towers 20 minutes in and only barely able to face OMG as they begin their encounter with baron. World Elite was the first to demonstrate that old dogs can learn new tricks as OMG attempted a second baron to no success, allowing a free middle tower and a team fight gone in favor for World Elite. With WE being on the receiving end of superior siege and AoE, World Elite would have a hard time defending, but the game was not closed out easily...

In the final game of the night of Wayi Spider pitted against Royal Club, Wayi would pull out an incredibly tanky line of champions, including Malphite, Shen, and Rumble; this provided Caitlyn with an incredible front line with a Sona also able to peel for her. While the strategy is lovely, planning around protecting the AD carry doesn't work out so well when RC brings unwelcome guests in the bottom lane, knocking down the bottom lane 3 times to put an early 3-0 and Blade of the Ruined King onto Ezreal, abusing them with dives repeatedly. https://www.gosugamers.net/general/images/2013/may/topcampresponse.PNG" border="0">

Wayi Spider responded with some abuse of their own.
While Spider's teamfight composition was fantastic, they would find themselves having trouble contesting any of Royal Club's motives due to their Caitlyn being incapable of completing Infinity's Edge within 20 minutes. Meanwhile, Ezreal could poke away at their front line with a BotrK, BF Sword, and a Sheen. With a fantastic performance from the top lane of Spider, it wasn't enough to make up for the gold-starved majority of his team and Rumble's carry potential wasn't high enough to make up for the insane lead held by RC at this point. Unfortunately, Spider would just find themselves crushed too hard from the power of the characters and strategy on the side of RC.


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