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Elder Titan stomps his way into the Test Client


Elder Titan, known to oldschool players as Tauren Chieftain, has made his way into the Test Client. In addition, Valve has changed and fixed a few things with the User Interface.

As usual, the patch is expected to be on the main client by Friday.


Added Elder Titan!

- Fixed a bug that was allowing extra report submissions on Sundays.

- Revised the Community page.
- Added an icon for league games to the Live, Recent and Downloaded game lists.
- Changed Heroes Played and Game History to be popups in the Profile.
- Numerous improvements to the Tournament Scheduling interface.
- Fixed Buy Back availability in spectator dropdown being inaccurate sometimes.
- Improved web browser performance.
- Fixed hitches when spectating games and switching between heroes.

- New lines added to Skywrath Mage, Timbersaw, and Bristleback.

- Added an Animation Overlay dropdown to the Workshop Model Preview.
- Added Lycanthrope's wolves to the Ability Model import list.




Two updates have been released with the latter mostly being bug fixes for Elder Titan. The second patch however, has added Bristleback, Skywrath Mage and Slark to tournament version.


Update 2


- Fixed Dark Pact removing Last Word.
- Fixed Dark Pact not removing Poison Attack.
- Fixed Dark Pact not removing Poison Touch.
- Fixed Dark Pact not removing Telekinesis.
- Fixed chat wheel mouse teleporting.
- Made visual effect of Earth Splitter crack extend to the radius of the effect.
- Dota 2 will no longer generate full crash dumps.
- Added Elder Titan Recommended Items.
- Enabled Bristleback, Skywrath Mage, and Slark to Captain's Mode (Tournament Version).


Update 3


- Elder Titan: Fixed Echo Stomp dealing magical damage first.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Echo Stomp not having an initial sleep period that is uninterruptable.
- Elder Titan: Fixed cancelling Echo Stomp while the Ancestral Spirit was active causing the Spirit to remain in the world.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit not having the correct vision.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit being able to move while Echo Stomping.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit returning at too quick of a speed.
- Elder Titan: Fixed the tooltip showing level 4 for all levels of Natural Order.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Natural Order working on Ancients.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Natural Order not working on magic immune units.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Earth Splitter not moving units into its center.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Earth Splitter not working with Refresher Orb.


Update 4


- Elder Titan: Fixed an issue where you could Return Ancestral Spirit while it wasn't in the world.
- Elder Titan: Fixed a case where Spirit's stomp cooldown would get out of sync with Elder Titan's.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit not facing Elder Titan when cast.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit giving flying vision at the wrong time.
- Added visual effect for units moving due to Earth Splitter.


Update 5


- Elder Titan: Fixed Echo Stomp physical damage not affecting magic immune units.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Echo Stomp damaging ancients.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Echo Stomp not having the correct cast time.
- Elder Titan: Ancestral Spirit and Return Spirit now use the same ability slot and replace one another when cast.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit affecting ancients on its return path.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit adding illusions to the hit hero total.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit staying in the world if Elder Titan died.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit's buff on the caster being purgable.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit not counting Spirit Bear towards the creep count.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit's buff duration being slightly too short.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit's movement speed bonus not being capped at 30%.
- Elder Titan: Fixed a crash if Elder Titan died while casting Earth Splitter.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Earth Splitter affecting ancients.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Earth Splitter not interrupting channeling.
- Elder Titan: Fixed units being pulled into the crack slightly too late.


Source: Dota 2 Dev Forum


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