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General11 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

HonTour GosuBets Competition Winners - Cycle 2

The GosuBets Competition for the second cycle of HonTour has come to an end after the official ruling for the Trademark eSports and compLexity Gaming Grand Final was out. Here are the results.

Once again GosuGamers has hosted the GosuBets Competition for HonTour and once again several persons took the opportunity to play for a total of 10,000 Gold Coins. The winners have been notified and will receive their winnings in the next couple of days.

1. Place: Latvia Jeffer - 6,000 Coins
2. Place: Canada Jakohl - 3,000 Coins
3. Place: Norway wrathmont - 1,000 Coins

The next chance for everyone to win the coveted 6,000 Coins is starting on Saturday, 5th, when the next cycle of the esteemed Diamond Division kicks off.

Once again everyone is eligible to join the competition and once again the same rules for the competition do apply. That means that the amount of won bets will determine the winner of this challenge - not the amount of won Minor Totems. Those won totems will only be used as a tiebreaker.

Good Luck to everyone and congratulations to Jeffer, Jakohl and wrathmont.

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