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General11 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

LGD will face MUFC in the grand finals

LGD may have faltered against MUFC yesterday in their opening match on stage, but they have returned to the hall today dominating Thai semifinalist Trust in under thirty minutes and will a kill lead of 3-26. A grand final matchup between MUFC and LGD will take place later this evening.

Thailand TrustChina LGD
batrider shadow demon dragon knight

rubick windrunner
magnus nyx faceless void

kotl beastmaster

Effective roams by xiao8's Beastmaster won LGD the early game with Batrider being ganked constantly and Faceless Void on the top lane getting freefarm. Trust was unable to predict LGD's movement across the map and they were able to take three towers by 10 minutes and get a kill lead of 2-11.

It soon spiralled into an extremely one sided game with the score being 2-19 at 20 minutes and with an Aegis on Faceless Void. They took mid barracks shortly after and proceeded for top barracks. Trust could do nothing but watch the game slip away from them as they lost 3-26 at merely 27 minutes into the game.

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