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General11 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

WCG 2012: iG.Chuan to be replaced by ChisBug

The International champions will unfortunately not be playing under their full winning rosters tonight. With ChuaN coming from Malaysia, the rules of WCG restricts his nationality from playing for his team. iG then takes chisbug(CH) to replace him.

Perhaps one of the strongest team right now, iG, will unfortunately be playing without their full roster. Since iG.ChuaN is from Malaysia, the rules of WCG 2012 restrict him from playing alongside his team in said event. Therefore, Invictus Gaming has found chisbug(CH) to replace him. This was similar to last year's WCG where ChuaN could not attend WCG alongside his former team, LGD.

ChisBug(CH) is a very aggressive player that plays the 4th or 5th role, making him relatively effective to replace ChuaN. When iG.Y and iG.Z merged, he has remained team-less. Recently though, there were rumors about ZSMJ's new team including him which was backed with him playing a lot of Dota 2.

Will iG be able to dominate WCG without ChuaN? Or will the team fail to adapt in time? Tune in to BeyondtheSummit TV to watch the matches live. The matches will be casted by our very own GGnet GoDZ and LD from Dotacommentaries.

Sgamer - Chinese site for WCG updates
iG QQ - Updates on iG's status

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