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General12 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

Warhound not getting replaced, Carrier here to stay


This was confirmed by Dustin Browder a few hours ago and it looks like terran will have just as many new units as zerg or protoss.

Dustin Browder stood by his quote that he shared with us earlier this year: that if a unit does not work for them, the dev team will cut it and it'll be gone for good. This is what happened to the Warhound with the second beta patch in which it was removed to the game and today his scrapping was officially confirmed.

Protoss players, on the other hand, will be happy to know that the Carrier - a unit not present in the original Heart of the Swarm build but reintroduced with the second patch - is going to stay together with the Tempest.

Carrier and Tempest are staying for sure.

Warhound is gone. There is no top-secret unit waiting in the wings to jump in. It's out.

I cannot promise that something won't happen later (I am not yet able to see into the future) but currently there are no plans for another Terran unit.

Source: Battle.net

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