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Complexity wins RaidCall Cup 4

Complexity Gaming takes the PLAY RaidCall Cup #4 in two games over POTM Bottom in a tournament featuring experimental team compositions and aggressive play.

RaidCall's fourth Dota2 Cup, a tournament with a $500 USD prize pool, gave viewers a chance to watch some of the top teams experiment with a larger variety of heroes than is usually seen in a tournament setting. Phantom Assassin notably was played in both of the finals matches. As some of the strongest heroes in the pool are being added before The International it is exciting to see the possibilities that could await us in the future.

The first semi-final between PB and VirtusPro featured Na`Vi's Dendi as a stand-in for the Russian squad. PB won the first game in a convincing fashion, showing that team synergy can overcome a stand-in player known as one of the top Dota 2 players in the world. VP struck back in the second game with a strong performance from Dendi on Tinker. While VP managed to snag Tinker for Dendi in game 3 it wasn't enough to overcome PB as they took the game with a strong midgame push.

The second semi-final match, between Complexity Gaming and zNation, was a less thrilling affair. coL won the set 2 - 0, showing that they were clearly the superior team on this given occasion.

Complexity took the finals in a two game sweep, but the games were action packed and showcased two of the newer heroes in the pool, Rubick and Phantom Assassin. Complexity picked up Phantom Assassin in the first game against a PB lineup that was distinctly lacking in the stun department, allowing TC on PA to run rampant over the opposing squad for the eventual victory. POTM Bottom attempted to mirror coL's success by aquiring Mortred for themselves in game two, with no success. A stun heavy team featuring Earthshaker and a huge Rubick put a damper on PB, giving Complexity Gaming the win and first place in the tournament.

PLAY RaidCall Cup #4
United States Complexity Gaming
United States Evil Geniuses 1 - 0
Russia zNation
Denmark Team-Luksus 1 - 0
Russia Virtus Pro
Denmark Copenhagen Wolves 1 - 0
Belarus Power Rangers
United States POTM bottom 0 - 1
United States Complexity Gaming
Russia zNation 2 - 0
Russia Virtus Pro
United States POTM Bottom 1 - 2
Grand Finals
United States Complexity Gaming
United States POTM Bottom 2 - 0

VOD's for the finals, casted by Tobi, can be found below.

Game 1
Game 2

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