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General12 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

HoN Hero Spotlight: Berzerker

The newest Hero Spotlight shows off Berzerker, a fearsome warrior from the north.

Chain Spike: Damages and slows a target. If used again, snaps the chain to deal additional damage and root the target.

Strength Sap: Steals Strength over time from all enemy heroes within range, while healing Berzerker.

Mark for Death: Grants full vision of marked enemy and increases movement and attack speed when facing the target. Mark for Death resets if the target dies.

Carnage: Grants Berzerker stun and debuff resistance. He takes additional damage, but deals a large portion of his max health in bonus physical damage.

Expect to see Berzerker in this Friday's patch!

youtube.com - HoN Hero Spotlight: Berzerker

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