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General13 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

'We would love for Blizzard DOTA to be an eSport.'

Blizzard tackles the DotA genre with their latest project, 'Blizzard DOTA'. In a special interview with StarCraft 2 Senior Designer and head of Blizzard DOTA design team John Everette, the man discusses his company's plans for DotA as well as how Blizzard intends to compete with other similar titles on the market.

"We always believed Blizzard should be simple to learn and easy to master," John Everette claims during the interview for many of Blizzard's interesting tweaks to their own take of DotA - including limited ammunition for towers, removing the practice of last hit, and others.

Watch what John Everette has to say in this exclusive Blizzcon 2011 interview.

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