All News
General13 years agoTerrence "MrBlue" Wong

GosuGamers presents GosuFun DotA cup to test new tournament platform

We've been working on this for a long time now and we are proud to let everyone have a glimpse of our new tournament platform.

To help test it, we welcome everyone to come and play in our GosuFun Cup for DotA. As mentioned, this will be a fun cup so the mode will be set as -arshom and anyone with a five man roster are welcome to join. But be quick if you want to join as slots are limited to just 16 teams.

Registration starts at 1800 CET on 4th August 2011 and will go on until the start of the tournament. But remember to check in at 1600 CET on 3rd September 2011.

Since this is a fun cup, there will be no prizes for the tournament and there will be no streams. Just pure fun.

Tournament details
When3rd September 2011 1800 CET
WhereRGC @ #gosugamers
Game Mode-arshom

If you have any questions you can send a PM to HU57L3R and GG.KillerLegend on the site or send a message to them on RGC with the following names HustleR- and GG.KillerLegend. Or you can reach them on IRC at #gosugamers

Basic Setup (for everyone)

- Before you start, make sure you have a gosugamers.net account, and remember which email you registered with us (if you don’t know, go to ‘settings’ @ top right, and check under ‘my profile’)

- Go to https://www.gosugamers.net and Log in (your normal username and password should work). If you encounter an error, try to clear your cookies and cache (find your browser’s help manual if you don’t know how) and try again.

- Before you can make or join a team, go to your profile (top right) and add your game account.

Setting up the team

For team members (NOT the team leader)

- After your team leader/captain creates the team and invites you, you will receive an email on the address you registered with us. Simply follow the instructions and you will join your team.

For team captains:

- Go to ‘my teams’ and create a new team. You can type in the usernames of all the people you want to invite. These have to be their gosugamers.net accounts, not their RGC accounts! (you can invite more people later if you want)

- You can edit your team after creating it, such as changing the name, or adding/changing the picture. (editing members is currently not possible, but will be once the site is complete)

Registering for the tournament:

- After you have a team, you can go to the ‘tournaments’ section of the play.gosugamers.net website and check for our tournament. Click on our tournament and register for it. You may need to select the specific players that you want to join. If your team contains more, the site should ask you to select your team members.

- Make sure you check the date and the check-in period. (note: check-in time may not be visible yet, but check-in starts 60 minutes before the tournament and ends @ tournament start)

- Check-in within the check-in period. It is absolutely necessary for teams to check-in on time, or the system may remove you from the tournament completely! Checkin in can be done by going to the tournament and clicking on the check-in button.

Once the tournament has started, the tournament site will present teams with brackets that will be updated throughout the tournament. This means that there is no more external site for brackets, and you can always come back to the play.gosugamers.net website to check the current progression for the tournament.

From the whole gosucrew, thanks for helping us out and we hope you’ll enjoy our new tournament system!

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