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General13 years agoRadoslav "Nydra" Kolev

Code S July Group D: Coca, Alicia, Losira, MarineKing

With this player pool, Group D seemed to be another pool of death, much like Group A. Also, its completion marked the middle point of the Ro32 as eight players were already through the elimination bracket.

South Korea Coca vs South Korea Alicia @ Tal'Darim Altar

In contrast to Alicia's standard fast expo build, Coca went for really fast lair, throwing in an infestation pit as soon as it finished. This allowed him to launch quite an effective attack at protoss' third, sniping all the sentries and losing only zerglings.
This aggressive tech play continued with a 14-minute mark ultralisk cavern and a multi-pronged drop play. The latter actually succeeded in killing the stunning amount of 41 probes and while Alicia was trying to restore his economy, Coca already had nine ultras out. The first zerg wave did not manage to kill Alicia's fourth but withered his supply down to 110, almost 90 food less than Coca. The next pushes just continued to beat Alicia down until the protoss could not defend against the endless swarms of zerg anymore.

Coca's making Ultras work in ZvP

South Korea Losira vs South Korea MarineKing

As MarineKing moved out with all his marines, his bare natural fell victim to Losira's ling run-by which killed every single SCV that was out there mining. At the same time, IM's zerg easily defended the marine push with nicely split banelings and sprinted forward in both tech and economy.
MarineKing continued to stream down tanks and marines but without a third base the terran could not efficiently battle the ling/baneling composition of zerg and eventually had to gg.

Losira dominates the first push of MarineKing

South Korea Losira vs South Korea Coca @ Xel'Naga Caverns

Both zergs expanded with quick hatch into banelings but due to Losira's late ling speed he had to sit on the defensive, while Coca tried times and times again to break him down.
With the defender's advantage, Losira eventually got a healthy economy up and threw down a roach warren plus a double evo chamber. Coca also tried to mass up a roach army but his economy was way worse due to the early pressure he applied, his tech also suffering a crysis. By the 15 minute mark, Losira had lair, infestation pit, burrow and +2/+2 on the way for his roaches. Thus, as Coca moved out in attempt to make something happen, Losira just rolled him over without much difficulty.

Coca throwing himself into beast's maw

South Korea Alicia vs South Korea MarineKing @ Dual Sight

Alicia opened with his signature 1-gate void ray PvT build and was soon in MKP's face, sniping tech and forcing him to reorganize his base, while taking his gold at the same time. But as MarineKing broke the contain it was time for Prime's ace to counter attack and with nice drop play he managed to take down the main nexus.
At the same time, however, Alicia had marched with his forces down to MKP's natural and in turn had it killed, bringing the game to a battle for the last mining base on the map - Alicia's gold. MarineKing picked up his forces and flew them down but Alicia was quick to react, immediately pulling his forces back. In addition, MarineKing lost a full medivac just prior to the attack and thus could not battle the protoss army with full strength. By losing this game, MarineKing dropped to the up-and-down matches.

Alicia's 1-Gate Void Ray build in action

South Korea Alicia vs South Korea Coca @ Metalopolis

Once again Alicia opened with a void ray into expand build and as he got four warpgates up he moved out in attempt to pressure the Zerg. But the protoss made the grave mistake of charging in way too soon, a lot before his proxy pylon had the chance to go up and Coca had little to no trouble crushing Alicia's invasion. As the void ray fell to the queens, it was all over for Alicia despite his efforts to retreat and defend his nude expansion.

The Void Ray falls, Alicia is on the retreat

Code S July Group D
South Korea Losira20
South Korea Coca21
South Korea Alicia12
South Korea MarineKing02

So by the end of week 1, the first half of the Ro16 is completed and is as follows:

South Korea Nestea, South Korea Trickster (Group A)
South Korea Clide, South Korea Ensnare (Group B)
South Korea Genius, South Korea TOP (Group C)
South Korea Losira, South Korea Coca (Group D)

The battles for the remaining for groups continue next Tuesday. July 5th.

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