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An Interview with Relief

The GosuGamers Top 10 weekly season one ends with the Volume 15, all of which were made by the BGDotATV. A new production crew aimed at excelling the art of Film Making and Video Editing based mainly around DotA. A GosuGamers exclusive, we present to you an interview with "Relief" to get a deeper insight of their past achievements, present thoughts and their future endeavors.

Thank you relief for joining me today. BGDotATV: The group responsible for the weekly GosuGamers videos - which you are a key part of. Tell us a little about the project, the people involved, how you met them and your role in it.

BGDotaTV is all about making films, especially DotA movies. The project started as an initiative by "HU57L3R", who is unfortunately no longer a part of the team. Basically, it is done by me and a few other members from the group. We take turns each week; We think, this way it will be interesting to the viewers.

Did you already have some experience in Film Making and Video Editing when you joined BGDotATV, or did you start it with your friends once you became a part of the group.

Yeah, I had a little bit of experience before I officially joined BGDotATV, but my experience with the group has had done nothing but bring out positive outcomes for me as well as the group. I can gladly say I'm proud to be a member of BGDotATV.

How many people are currently involved in BGDotATV? And are all of you into video making?

I'm not sure,let me check our youtube channel *smiles*. Kidding of course. We are currently about 10 people in the group. Not all of us are film makers. Marko"Asus"Markov is our graphics designer, he uses Photoshop while the rest of us use software like Sony Vegas pro and Adobe AE. Along with Marko, “Alreadyovernoob” is also the founder of the group.

You have been producing the GosuGamers Top 10 videos for a few months now. How may active work hours do you spend on a given project?

It's hard to say. Since I have a lot of school work to do, I do them mainly in my free time. But I would say maybe two-and-a-half or three hours a day. Most of the work involves going through all the replays I get.

Is one video done by one person, or do more people help with the production?

The editing of the scenes in the videos are done by only one person, but the intro is sometimes done by a different member from the group in order to save time.

Its a huge commitment nonetheless. What makes you spend so much time on this kind of work? Is it all based on motivation and interest in the craft?

Over the years DotA videos have become one of my passions. I remember watching clips from film makers like Blurpi, Rvoid5 and Vortex. I wanted to become as good as them some day and that's one of the reasons why I love editing so much. Another is, of course, my ego, which is hungry for fame and fortune. ;p

How were your first experiences in video production like? It must have been a very hard start. Did you get help from your friends, or did you learn everything yourself?

Well, Back in the day before I joined BGDotATV - I was an amateur in film making. I used the Windows Movie Maker, which resulted in bad clips. So yeah, you could say I had a hard start, but I grew to understand that Sony Vegas is decades away from Windows Movie Maker, so I eventually got better. Everything I know today, I know from my own experience.

What is the most difficult thing to do or accomplish while producing a video?

That's an easy one - pleasing the viewers. There are so many different people with different tastes in music and editing. It is hard to please them all, I try my best nonetheless.

What about the most difficult thing on the technical side? Is there any aspect of video producing that sucks the most for you?

Maybe there was. I used to have a hard time when it came to making creative intros for my clips, but that is a thing of the past.

What are the requirements that a video needs to go through before its finished? Starting from a list with possible scenes in replays; how do you continue from there?

You have to make sure that you picked a good song. By good, I mean a song which has a catchy beat and isn't that overused in any of the previous videos. Then you continue with the editing, making it simple and easy for the viewers to follow. Next, you have to get creative and think of an interesting outro. And finally, when you're finished, you always go over your video again, making sure you dint make any mistakes anywhere.

Great; thanks for these insights. To close the interview, please tell us about your goals with BGDotATV. How do you want to continue with your projects and what do you want to achieve in the future?

I plan on working with BGDotATV in the future. I will continue making the GosuGamers series (of which Season 1 ends at volume 15) and probably, if I have time on my hands, I will start my own project. My current goal is to make the spotlight on Playdota.com. It just eats me up inside. *smiles*.

Much obliged, thank you for the interview and all the videos your team has produced for the GosuGamers.net, Do you have any final words or any shout-outs?

Yes of course, I would like to thank BGDotATV for giving me this opportunity and I would like to give a shoutout to Milan "IwillMakeyOUcry" Vucic and Kiril "w33dsmOker[osP]" Georgiev. It has been a pleasure speaking with you and thank you for having me for this interview. *smiles*

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