Hello! Please, introduce yourself to our readers and tell us a little about yourself.
-"My name is Tim Moon and I am 16 years old in my junior year of high school. I play DotA a lot too hehe."
Tell us the story behind your nickname: PowerNet. When and how did you come up with it?
-"One of my good friends named Jubei gave me the account to play with in a Bnet league called TDA. I liked the name enough to keep it." *laugh*
When and why did you start playing DotA? Who was the first hero you played with?
-"I started playing DotA about five years ago (two years ago competitively) because it was more fun than the Warcraft3 ladder games. My interest was especially piqued when the LC program came out, it made games much more enjoyable. My first hero was Broodmother (even though her webs did not work in the current version at the time).
Recently, during the Intel Challenge SuperCup tournament for the match Browned Potatoes vs. Storm Games Clan, you played as a BP player. Do you plan to join the team on a permanent basis, or were you at that time just a temporary replacement?
-"I do plan on joining team BP permanently if they will have me."
What happened to your old team: VT?
-"Team VT broke up due to multiple reasons. A couple irreplaceable members lost motivation to play and we just stopped scrimming all together. The final nail in the coffin was when I got the offer to play with BP."
Team USA has been scrimming quite a bit in preparation for this match [Croatia]”-"Obviously if team Croatia has made it this far in the winner's bracket then they are not to be taken lightly. Team USA has been scrimming quite a bit in preparation for this match. As far as their players go… LACOSTE TOO STRONK!"
Assuming that your team meets the Ukrainian team in the either the Grand or Loser's Bracket finals, then you will have to fight them again; team that USA had already beaten once before. What is your opinion on this team as a whole? Which players you would focus on and why? Can you repeat your success and win over the Ukrainian again?
-"I think team Ukraine is starting to take this tournament seriously. When we played them the first time they were certainly not using their full potential via choice of players. As you can see from their most recent games, they are now using the majority of team NaVi. I think if we get to the finals, the games will be much more intense this time around. Hopefully our chances of winning are increased with addition of Fear into the American roster."
What can you say about the development of the DotA community in USA?
-"The DotA community in USA isn’t really developing at all. There are small tournaments here and there, but I do not see any powerhouse teams emerging from USA any time soon. There is just not enough motivation (money) for players to want to get good."
In your opinion, what are the benefits / disadvantages for American teams to compete against European and Asian teams? What makes their playstyles unique?
-"I don’t think American teams have any kind of advantage. American playstyle is just trying to copy whatever they see in replays. Team USA had a bit of success because the opposing teams made more mistakes, not from anything unique."
Now it is a lot harder for an up and coming North American player to make the transition into being able to compete internationally”-"DeMoN, Merlini, and Fear became international superstars because they played competitively during a time where the EU and NA communities were more closely intertwined. Now it is a lot harder for an up and coming North American player to make the transition into being able to compete internationally. At this point in time there is not enough motivation for new players to try and achieve greatness in DotA, especially when DotA 2 is coming out soon (hopefully)."
Which team do you think is currently the strongest in the world? Why do you think so?
-"I haven’t been following the Chinese scene too closely, but probably Tyloo or LGD.SGTY is on top. Their play, from the picks to the team coordination, is just better than other teams. For Europe, either MYM or Na`Vi. MYM has been together since the dawn of time and with the addition of these new powerhouse players, it only made them stronger. Na`Vi just has strong individual skill on all of their players and their captain, Artstyle, really brings the team together."
How does your family and friends relate to your passion for eSports?
-"My family and friends call me a nerd because I’m on the computer so much." *laugh*
What are your future plans regarding DotA or real life?
-"I just want to go to a LAN. I’ve never been to one and I think it would be a great experience."
Well, our interview comes to an end. Any shootouts?
-"Shoutout to syndereN and everybody at nadota.com... AND TZAR!"
Ok, thank you for your time! Good luck!
-"Thanks" *smile*
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