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General14 years ago

Amnesia about XtC

The captain of one of the best singaporean teams, kindly volunteered to answer some questions right after their match against ADC newcomer Magic.NZ. Read on for his opinion on the games, as well as some general information about XtC.

Before we start, congratz to your win versus Magic. how was it playing?
-"Hello! They gave us a tough fight in both games, as we had to put our full concentration to secure the victory. Kudos to them for being well-mannered and patient!"

Kudos to Magic.NZ for being well-mannered and patient!
The synergy we just witnessed was quite impressive. How would you rate your playing ability at the moment?
-"Honestly speaking, we are currently having an inconsistent form. We can impress at times against the big teams, but sometimes we just falter against underdogs; especially in bo1 games."

Lets talk about your team then. Could you shortly describe each of your team mates and yourself in terms of playstyle and character?
-"Alright; beginning with Hengsky, he is a great guy to hang out with; I always have a hilarious time in his presence. Xul in comparison, is a bit more serious, but very constructive and innovative. He always tries to explore new strategies for the team. Alanter has more of a calm and patient attitude; he is usually more quiet than the others. Maybe a bit similar to Rei, who is also a bit secretive, but with a very aggressive playstyle when it comes to DotA. About xMusiCa, he is very experienced, but never failed to entertain us, with some funny mistakes in game (*laughs*). As for myself, I would consider me friendly and motivated to keep a positive attitude all time."

Nice! What does a normal day look like in your life? how much time goes to playing?
-"Most of my time is spent pursuing a degree and hanging out with friends in my free hours. Playtime-wise it varies, but we usually play as a team during saturdays on lan."

Our aim for ADC is, to stay positive and win all remaing matches!
Do you have a schedule or certain times when you play and how does your training look like?
-"As mentioned, we mostly train on saturdays, because two of our players have to fulfill military services at the moment, which makes them unavailable during weekdays. Our training-times range from the late afternoon until the later night, but we do nothing special there. Its just matches against well-known teams around Asia"

I see. Concerning your drafts; after going over your replays, I saw that you used Lion in up to 90% of your games and mostly solo mid. What is it, that you prefer about him in comparison to other solo mids like Storm Spirit or Shadow Fiend?
-"Well, The concept of running a solo Lion is, that he is able to accumulate experience and obtain a Dagger faster, than a pure support Lion who hardly gets creeps throughout the game. That way, he becomes the ganking machine, we love to use. Thats about it."

Whats your opinion on Lich, whose popularity seems to be on the uprise right now. Is he an an option for you?
-"We may explore Lich, when it fits our playstyles and drafts but currently, he is not among the heroes, we prefer to use. He definitely is a pain however, especially when he hits a good chain frost"

Coming to ADC: What do you think about the tournament? Hows the organisation and the competition?
-"I think the duration of the tournament is too long, because we are still in the 2nd stage and not even in the playoffs yet. Including the qualifiers, the whole event must last about 6 months, which is a bit too much in my opinion. Organisation-wise, there is nothing to complain, as all admins are doing a great job and are fully dedicated."

You will face Roccat.Trust in less than 3 hours. Whats your opinion on them and how do you see your chances?
-"It will be a very tough fight (perhaps 50:50), considering that we are not in top form at the moment. They have done quite well in the previous rounds and placed themselves above us in the standings. We noticed however, that they have certain hot picks among the competitive heroes, which we will ban to hopefully increase our chances."

Thanks to all the faithful people, who still supported us despite we weren't doing well!
Speaking of placings, you are currently ranked 9th in the ADC chart. Are you satisfied with your results thus far?
-"To be honest we are not satisfied considering the fact, that we dropped some points to teams, we should have been able to win against. What we can do right now is only to stay positive and win the remaining matches to improve our final position."

Then my best wishes in order to achieve that goal and good luck against Roccat.Trust! I am done so if there's anything you like to say uncut, now is the chance.
-"I want to throw a huge shoutout to all the faithful people, who still supported us despite we weren't doing well. Special thanks to our sponsors Cooler Master, CM Storm & SteelSeries and last but not least, kudos to for this wonderful interview!"

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