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General14 years agoGosu "GosuGamers" Gamers

Several New Cataclysm Cinematics

Blizzard released three new clips at Blizzcon over the weekend including a worgen cinematic.

Over the weekend at Blizzcon 2010, many waited in anticipation of new news about the upcoming expansion or any surprises Blizzard might have in store. Apart from the Q&A boards, not much could be expected as a surprise since mostly everything can be played already on the beta server.

However, what Blizzard did was share three new Cataclysm pieces of entertainment with their fans; one is a new Cataclysm trailer, the other is the login screen, and the last one is the worgen cinematic. Check them out!

Cataclysm Press Trailer

Login Screen

Worgen Cinematic

Youtube - Cataclysm Login Screen
Youtube - Worgen Cinematic
Youtube - Press Trailer

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