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A quick sit down with Hugs from T-Out

GosuGamers continues with its Pre-ESWC interviews. This time, we switch our focus to Hugs, captain for the Polish team, T-Out, now renamed as Universal Soldiers.

c689e98ebe33b4a03df96c797f07a06197f6d42d6949641c1a97ae7ece.jpgHi there Hugs, perhaps we could start this interview with a quick introduction of yourself.
-"Me? I'm a 21 year old student, attending a computer science course at college, doing the usual stuff in my free time, and obviously playing DotA! My team, well I guess they don't differ that much from the rest, unless you're talking about Jacob, he's pro! Just to inform all the readers as well. We are now not known as T-out as we have joined a Multi-Gaming clan and will know be known as Universal Soldiers."

Well since you mentioned your team, what will be T-Out's lineup for ESWC?
-"_nIQ, main carry role (in fact, he can't do ANYTHING but last hit, so ...)
Jin-SID, main support, (basically if he's having a good game, he's gonna buy boots before 20min mark.) DifferentStyles, our drafter, we try to pick together but when we are telling him to go ES, he is the one going "You nuts?", and picks Juggernaught for himself. He's filling most of the roles, whenever there's the need. Jacob, the pro Polish dude that apparently everybody loves, he's gonna fill the role of PotM (nobody else can play that hero in our roster :<) or any ganger, really."

What about yourself?
-"Me? I'm the most skilled one there is, though nobody believes me, I love to play ricing heroes, but they don't let me , so just like DifferentStyles, I go with the flow, whatever's the need! (just no PotM please)"

I'm not saying we're gonna make the semi-finals, but surely the likes of MYM Blight etc, won't steam roll over us.
Being the underdogs of ESWC, do you think your team has the ability to surprise at the actual event? Against the likes of MYM, Nirvana.int and Blight.
-"Well, I'm pretty sure we won't surprise everyone by winning ESWC, that would be just silly, but yeah I'm confident enough that we can give trouble to some of the teams participating in the event. I'm not saying we're gonna make the semi-finals, but surely the likes of MYM, Blight etc., won't steam roll over us."

Pretty confident I see
-"*smiles* Who knows? Maybe a "miracle" will happen!"

On LANs, it is very important to have good team chemistry. Do you think your team has that?
-"That is the part that I'm afraid of, I played with two of the members previously on Polish LANs, and it was all fine, but we have no such expierience with _nIQ nor with the recent addition, so that's the only thing that can backfire on us, but when it comes to online gaming, we're all perfectly fine, so hopefully LAN won't matter much and by perfectly fine I mean, I shout, A LOT."

So what do you think about teams such as MYM and OK adding two foreign players for ESWC? Do u think their team chemistry will be a factor to them winning?
-"Well, from what I remember/read MYM didn't do that great on LANs, right? I honestly don't know, I'm not that person that gives all his interest into watching every single move of famous Maelk or Kuroky, but considering the fact that there are teams playing from more than one continent, they are in a way representing Europe, so I wish them all the best. Obviously LAN experience is gonna matter, but frankly I'm not sure which teams have them and which don't so I'd prefer not to make a fool of myself"

I would especially like us to be matched against CNB or the Reborn team as I have no idea how those teams play like.
So moving on to the teams. What do u think of the list of participating teams? Do u like the diversity?
-"Yes, the fact that the "world cup" does not consist of 100% Asian teams is actually appealing to me. I know that there are people whining that half of the teams (including us) should not be there and some Asians ones should take place instead (sGty e.g. ?) but hey, the lesser-known teams/countries should get a chance as well. Most of the nations that matter got their qualifier and got their representative, no matter which team it is. So, yeah the diversity is great, I would especially like us to be matched against CNB or the Reborn team as I have no idea how those teams play."

So you spoke briefly about the Asian scene. What do you think of them? In terms of play style and skill.
-"Oh , obviously Asian scene is superior to European in most regards, if not every way. I think they're better than any european/US team hands down! Their playstyle shows that they know how DotA works and what they need to do to get the most out of it. They know that you gotta farm your way to the win, and use an ES that stays behind the carry and spams spells instead of going rambo style with PotM and ganking the enemy early game. Though I did notice that Europe/US are slowly catching the drift of Asian play, and playing for "late" as well, so it looks like Europe's not that dumb afterall :P."

#1 EHOME #234, in no certain order, DTS/AEON + surprise!
So what are your predictions for the top four?
-"Number one would be EHOME and number two, three and four, in no certain order, DTS/AEON + surprise!"

So which team are you personally rooting for? Besides your own.
-"That would be GiGa.DotA, and as far as the rest of my team goes, I believe they're Asian fanboys so they'd probably vouch for EHOME."

Well that seems to be about it. Any shout outs or last words?
-"Shout out to all GosuGamers , DotA.pl and especially to my favorite person Marian Smiecierson! Do you mind if I add something more about the incident at qualifiers?"

No, no problem at all. Go ahead.
-"Basically , the whole truth came out after a day or two. What happened, was that one of LowHP players, who incidentally was an admin on the polish eswc qualifier, proposed a change to the rules, to make the FINAL Bo3 with no advantage, the other admin agreed. Then when it got to the actual final, that lowHP player pretended not to know anything about it, but the other admin "Nakai" stepped up to the task and informed everyone about it and the third game was played, after lots of drama, that LowHP player made a confession. He admitted to the fact that he changed the rules and knew about it all along and told nobody. So yeah, that is pretty much it, So all the lowHP fanboys, can blame no one but LowHP itself as they pretty much shot themselves in the leg with that rule change. However there is a funny side to that.

5df8c6604f665fe15408a991fdd6370d1f11e8e1e2091e3e470bae4ef5.jpgWhat would that be?
-"Funny thing is, the person that cried the most about the whole final game incident, was Jacob, he cried so hard, that he cried himself a ticket to Paris with us."

Woah. Cried himself for a ticket. Must be tons of tears. So big thanks to you for taking this time to do this interview. Much appreciated and all the best in Paris.
-"Alright. No problem."

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