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Chinese LGD vs. PSG Hand Picked Salt Compilation

From Hupu (Chinese forum for sports/esports) after the LGD trainwreck. I'm cheering for LPL but as a Redditor, transporting salt is my duty


[Thread] Game Thread: World's Play-Ins Day 1: Orianna's Shockwave destroys optimism, LGD loses first match against PSG

  • lgd经典被发条爆杀 (Getting blown up by Ori, the LGD classic)

  • 我铁LPL粉,真的看不下去了,垃圾!!!(As an LPL stan, I can't even watch this, fucking trash !!!)

  • 兮夜吃了牛肉面吧 (Xiye ate some beef noodles, didn't he)

    • Context: "Beef noodles" is a meme from Worlds 2014 where EDG Namei blamed his underperformance in groups on getting diarrhea from eating beef noodles in Taiwan

  • 对面有代练 (Other team had boosters (referring to PSG subs))

  • 人人都笑EDG 人人都是EDG (Everyone laughs at EDG, but everyone is EDG)

    • Context: EDG is the first team in LPL to lose to a wildcard, LGD just made second


[Thread] Devastating loss against PSG - Where did LGD go wrong in their first game?

  • 菜 (being trash)

  • 怂 (playing like betas)

  • 装 (cocky)


[Thread] (Voice of American Rift Friends) Reddit discusses PSG defeating LGD: We're back to 2015; Xiye is trash

  • 有史以来lpl就edg和LGD输过入围赛,psg还是一个临时组装队,首发都不齐,太丢人了,真是耻辱 (Only EDG and LGD has ever lost in play-ins in the history of LPL, and PSG is temporarily assembled, they don't even have their starters. Too embarrassing, it's actually shameful)

  • 从小到大各种比赛,心里想的都是“输谁都不能输湾湾”,真的…输给UOL都没这么气人 (The thing on my mind watching competitions since I was a kid was always "we can lose to anybody, but we can't lose to the WanWans. Seriously... I'd be less mad if we lost to UOL)

    • Context: "WanWan" is a slang for people from Taiwan

  • 这是我见过最拉的卢仙,对线带点燃没打出优势,团战就一个大,还至少要空一半…… (This is the shittiest Lucian I've ever seen, can't get advantage in lane with ignite, only ulted once in teamfights, and he missed half of it....)


[Thread] Oh crap oh crap, the thing we worry most about is happening

  • 内战猛干,外战玩运营了,打不出lpl的风格, lpl实力会下降很多。希望京东滔博别这样了 (play like chads domestically, play rotations internationally. If LPL teams can't play the LPL style, then they're a lot weaker)

  • 发条,洛 (Ori, Rakan)

    • Context: PTSD from SKT's famous turnaround play against EDG in 2017 Worlds

  • lgd在干嘛……突然就lck了……吐了 (Wtf are LGD doing... All of a sudden we're LCK now... I puked)


[Thread] PSG Twitter: Let us help you take out your trash

  • 虽然心里很不爽,但是没什么反驳的理由 (I'm salty, but I have no counterarguments)

  • 平常我会很气,现在我只想刀了lgd全队 (Normally I'd be mad, but right now I just wanna knife the entire LGD roster)

  • lgd的fans可以提前佩戴耳机了

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