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The Review: Patch 10.8 Balance Change Analysis by the Numbers

Hey all, Aldonall from here! Welcome back to The Review, where I use tables and numbers to talk about what Riot's most recent balance patch actually affected, and by how much.

Check Out the 10.8 Notes Here

A small-ish patch for individual changes on 10.8, as it looks like Riot wants to try out some systemic changes relating to xp & how punishing early deaths are. No major changes resulting from those yet, but we'll keep an eye out. For now, though, here's the list:

Champion Changes:

ChampionRoleChangeWR 10.6 ⇒ WR 10.7PR 10.6 ⇒ PR 10.7
ApheliosBottomNerf48.37%  ⇘  47.00%9.97%  ⇘  7.02%
AsheBottomBuff51.00%  ⇒  51.14%7.11%  ⇑  11.57%
EvelynnJungleBuff49.08%  ⇗  50.46%3.34%  ⇑  5.37%
KalistaBottomNerf50.43%  ⇒  49.86%7.68%  ⇓  4.93%
Master YiJungleNerf50.60%  ⇒  51.04%5.46%  ⇘  4.86%
OriannaMiddleBuff47.50%  ⇑  50.28%4.29%  ⇑  6.48%
RyzeTopBuff45.43%  ⇗  46.80%1.30%  ⇒  1.08%
RyzeMiddleBuff46.28%  ⇒  46.50%2.59%  ⇗  3.13%
SennaSupportNerf50.75%  ⇒  50.11%10.24%  ⇒  9.79%
SettTopNerf50.37%  ⇘  48.96%10.29%  ⇘  7.70%
SettJungleNerf49.94%  ⇘  48.63%1.83%  ⇒  2.04%
SettMiddleNerf51.07%  ⇘  49.97%1.21%  ⇒  0.91%
SettSupportNerf48.92%  ⇘  46.89%3.66%  ⇗  4.51%
SorakaSupportBuff48.53%  ⇗  50.03%3.82%  ⇗  5.24%
TristanaBottomBuff49.32%  ⇒  49.37%4.30%  ⇑  7.41%
UrgotTopBuff47.29%  ⇑  50.98%2.01%  ⇗  3.48%
VarusBottomNerf50.53%  ⇒  49.89%12.34%  ⇘  10.64%
XayahBottomBuff46.74%  ⇗  48.46%4.44%  ⇑  8.71%


  • Aphelios: Feels like Groundhog's Day at this point. Will this one finally be enough?

  • Evelynn: Solo queue's gonna love this one, I'm sure.

  • Master Yi: Ah, the classic "Nerf into WR increase" technique. Jokes aside, what this really means if that FotM players are shifting away from him (albeit slowly), while the more dedicated ones remain. Can be a sign of a successful nerf on weird champions such as Yi.

  • Orianna: Sweet Jesus, that's a WR jump. Welcome back to one of the quintessential mid-laners.

  • Sett: WR drop in FOUR lanes. Don't see that every day.

  • Soraka: Finally undoing some of the nerfs she got when Raka Top was en vogue.

  • Urgot: A big win for six-legged-monstrosities everywhere.


Fiddlesticks Check-In:

ChampionRoleChangeWR 10.6 ⇒ WR 10.7PR 10.6 ⇒ PR 10.7
FiddlesticksJungleundefined47.45%  ⇑  51.37%5.61%  ⇘  4.61%
FiddlesticksSupportundefined43.89%  ⇗  45.72%2.06%  ⇘  0.94%

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