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I've been diamond/high plat since season 6. Today I placed bronze 4 on an inactive account.

And dear god the type of players people endure at this elo is uncanny. Now I'm starting to understand why some call it elo hell.

Naming a few:

Yis everywhere trying to dive towers at level 3, feeding 0-5 at 10 minutes "gg cant farm laners dont help ganks"

Mid kats losing to tryndamere lvl 1 "wtf broken champ, why cant I 1v1 him". Proceds to feed him 6 more times.

Top and jungle combining 0-15 at 10 minutes "gg shit ganks"

"Nasus? Broken champ"

"Why do drake lol, drake sucks now no gold, noob player"

And many more.

What bothers me is some of these players, how are now bronze/low silver, placed gold4, last season.

I can already tell Im gonna have one hell of a ride to get back up.

Good luck on the climb!

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