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Master Yi's win rate increasing this hard is actually a huge concern.


Oh my effin bad, I'm silver because I called out Master Yi? Seriously? Get real, There are funneling comps in Diamond. I'm just an average Plat player but when I see something that is extremely unhealthy for the game I think I can at least be right on that one statement.

He is just not healthy for the game. There's been a recent surge of popularity with him lately and watching high elo streams on twitch he also has been popping up there too.

I'm not sure what the issue is, I feel like a good meditate negates way too much damage but that's what I personally think is the issue. Either way, he is frustrating to have on your team or the enemy team.


The ultimate reason I'm posting this is because I do have major issues against this champ. I do not think funneling is healthy, I do not think Yi is healthy. When he is this popular it means some sort of imbalance is happening. For the people saying ''one shot him'', Witts end, DD?


What's the purpose of this thread? I simply ask for nerfs towards him and I think it is justified. There are champions running rampant right now but when champions like Yi have such high win rates, it means something is terribly wrong.


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