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Champions with altered splash arts for their icons (Client)


Yesterday, I was looking through, specifically the section with Jhin's tropes, and in it it said that Jhin's eye colour is different in a few interpretations. I knew that Jhin's eyes in game are blue and almost everywhere else they're brown, but something that intrigued me was that Jhin's icon apparently also has blue eyes. So I checked, and yes, the eye that Jhin shows in edited in his icon to be blue instead of brown.

That got me curious about who else has had their splash art edited in their icons. And so, here's a list:

  • Akali's icon has a brighter lighting than her splash art

  • Amumu's icon doesn't show any sign of the spell he's looking at, which a small piece of it would be visible otherwise

  • Anivia's wing can't be seen in the background of her icon.

  • Annie doesn't seem to have Tibbers behind her in her icon, as if she did there's be a light background to her left to signify Tibbers' underbelly

  • Aurelian Sol's icon seems to have his head tilted up slightly. Also, his mouth has a glow to it in his splash art which his icon doesn't contain (I now know why I thought the icon looked weird)

  • Bard's one isn't super obvious (At least, compared to the others) but in its splash shows small particles coming from his face holes which aren't present in his icon.

  • Braum's icon doesn't feature the sunlight shining on the mountain behind him

  • Camille's icon doesn't feature the buildings behind her head and seems to have a brighter lighting (Though it's less obvious than Akali's lighting change)

  • Cassiopea's icon seems to throw out the fact that she's in some sort of corridor completely, with a blue-ish background behind her. She also doesn't seem to be raising the arm furthest from her (Kinda hard to tell which because the icon's also flipped)

  • Cho'Gath's icon's background seems less detailed than his splash, as a small piece of the mountain should be seen

  • For some reason, Darius seems to have a different chest plate in his Icon, as instead of some sort of chin guard (Or whatever he has there), there seems to be more of the red cloth he wears.

  • Dianna's splash art features a bit of the Solari temple behind Diana's head, which isn't seen in her icon

  • The shadow from on Ekko's forehead from his mohawk can't be seen on his icon.

  • Ezreal's Icon doesn't seem to have changed from his pre-VU state.

  • Fiddlestick's arm seems not to be raised in his icon

  • Fiora's icon is less tilted than her splash art.

  • Galio's icon doesn't include the clouds behind his head

  • Gangplank's pistol can't be seen behind his head

  • Gragas' icon is less tilted than his splash art.

  • A real noticable one: Graves' icon doesn't feature his cigar.

  • Ivern's icon doesn't show the trees behind him, nor the light from the magic he's casting.

  • Jarvan's background is completely different compared to the sky and blue flag he was infront of, and he doesn't seem to be raising his arm in his icon.

  • The...thing Jax has on the top of his hood doesn't seem to flow to his right, which is strange because it can still be seen behind him.

  • As mentioned above, Jhin's eye is different in his icon than in his splash, with his splash showing him with a brown human eye and his icon showing a black void with a blue eye peaking out. Similar to a certain hoodie wea-

  • Jinx's icon doesn't have Fishbones in the background. Also doesn't have the buildings behind her. Just a pink void.

  • Katarina seems to have gotten the memo, and doesn't show her arm behind her in her icon

  • Kayn's icon doesn't include the shadows growing around in the background

  • Rhaast and SA Kayn have different lightings in their icons, with SA Kayn having a blue lighting on his face, whilst Rhaast has just a normal lighting on his face as apposed to the dark, almost demonic lighting in his splash. Yes, these two forms of Kayn technically have their own splash.

  • Kha'Zix's arm isn't seen behind his head in his Icon

  • Kindred's icon has a different lighting to his splash art. This is totally the only difference, I swear.

  • Kled's icon has an orange background, as opposed to the sunrise shown in his splash art.

  • Kog'Maw's claw can't be seen in his icon. This time it's the one infront of him

  • Lee Sin's icon is less tilted than his splash art. His hair is also moving in a different way and you can't see any of his pecks. He's just standing, isn't he?

  • Lucian's icon has a dark blue background, as oppose to the dark cave featured in his splash art.

  • Malphite's eyes can actually be seen in his icon

  • Malzahar's cloak can be seen behind him in his splash, but not in his icon

  • Maokai's hunchback/shoulder can't be seen in his icon

  • Master Yi's chest can't be seen in his icon

  • Nami's shoulder either can't be seen in her icon, or it's a different colour for some reason

  • Nasus' back is shown less in his icon than in his splash

  • Neeko's icon doesn't include the forest in the background, nor the petal-like things coming from her head (Not the flower she wears)

  • Nocturne's icon has a blue-purpleish background, as opposed to the literal darkness in his splash art

  • Nunu & Willump's splash art doesn't include Willump's beard hairs behind Nunu's head.

  • Orianna's icon has a dark silver background, as opposed to the clockwork place in her splash art

  • Quinn's icon doesn't seem to have her arm raised, nor feature Valor.

  • Rek'Sai's icon doesn't include her tail

  • Riven's icon has a blue-ish background, despite her splash having a sunrise in the background

  • Ryze's icon has been flipped -90% from his splash art

  • Shaco's icon doesn't include the tree behind him. It's also less tilted than his splash art

  • Shen's icon doesn't include the night sky behind him

  • Shyvanna's icon doesn't include her dragon form's wings and has her eyes glow

  • Sion's icon has a dark red background, as opposed to the war-red sky in his splash art. The ribbon on the dagger in his head can also not be seen behind his head.

  • Sivir's icon doesn't include her crossblade behind her

  • Sona's shoulder can't be seen in her icon. Her head is also tilted upright.

  • Swain's icon has a brighter shade of red in the background than his splash, and also doesn't have the red glow from his hand on his cheek.

  • Syndra's eyes are glowing in her icon.

  • Tahm Kench's icon doesn't include the leaves on his forehead.

  • Talon's icon doesn't include the window he's jumping out of nor his cape

  • (ADDED) Taliyah's face in her splash art is being shone upon by the sun, and is covered in shadow from her hair. In her icon, this doesn't seem to be the case. (Also, apparently she has different facial features, but I didn't really see a difference in her face itself, so I'm just going to mention it here)

  • Taric's icon is less tilted than his splash art

  • Twisted Fate's icon doesn't have the wall he's leaning on in the background of his splash.

  • Twitch's icon doesn't include the sewer system in the background of his splash, nor his arm.

  • Udyr's icon doesn't have the tree behind his head

  • The lighting in Urgot'd splash art is green, as opposed to the more natural lighting in his icon

  • Vel'Koz's icon has a black background, as opposed to the void seen in his splash art

  • Vladimir's icon has a darker background than his splash. By the looks of it, he's in a different place instead of the icon just being one colour.

  • Volibear's icon doesn't include the lightning in his splash art

  • Warwick's icon doesn't include his back leg nor the guy he's mauled to death beneath him.

  • Wukong's icon doesn't have the field behind him

  • Xerath's icon doesn't show the dark sky behind him

  • Xin Zhao's icon doesn't have the arrows on the floor behind him

  • Yasuo's icon doesn't have the wooden planks of the house behind him.

  • Zed's icon doesn't include the temple behind him

  • Zigg's icon doesn't include the burnt tree behind him

  • Zilean's icon doesn't include his hair flowing behind his head.

  • Zoe's icon, somehow, doesn't include her hand forming a circle around her eye.

  • Camille, Cassiopea, Jhin, Kennen, Malphite and Yasuo all have their splashes flipped for their icons.

Not sure if this was useful to anyone but, meh! I found it interesting

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