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The Truth Behind Garen Ult

There's been a few Garen posts lately, so I felt like there this would be a good time to bring up something that's been bothering me about Garen's ult.

It's a giant sword of magic dropping down from the sky. Garen isn't a mage, though, regardless of what type of damage his R does to enemies. He can't just summon blades from the sky to kill his enemies... but you know who can?

Kayle can do it.

Her new ult doesn't just protect her target; she also drops swords everywhere around them. While they're smaller than the one in Garen's ult, there's more of them and it's spread out over an area.

When a Garen player presses R, Garen's actually just calling Kayle and asking her to do an orbital smite for him... and if you happen to be the villain, Kayle will give it a little bit of extra thrust.

As for how the villain aspect of Garen's ult works, Garen doesn't get to choose that either because Kayle is the one making that decision. After all, who better to make that choice than the Aspect of Justice herself?

What does this all mean though?

It means that Kayle's smitten for Garen.


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