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As a season 1 player, I hate that the game is slowly becoming URF.

Yeah URF is fun and all, but let’s be honest, the element of skill goes right out the window for a lot of characters.

That said: The problem is that CDR is going into EVERY single item. -Back in the day, you used to have to spec into CDR to be able to get it. Why should mages get 20% cdr right from their starting mana item? Take transcendence and the cdr stat and you’re easily capped. Or build zhonyas and either the former or the latter and you’re capped.

Not only that, but what’s up with this trend of abilities costing little to no mana on bruisers and fighters? -Who remembers a manaless champion ever being fun to play against? Because honestly, new champions have very little mana problems. Look at Kayn’s mana costs, or Irelia’s? Irelia’s old q used to be actually have a decent mana cost that refunded itself when reset. New Irelia q is 35 mana?? WHERE IS THE PUNISHMENT FOR FUCKING UP. Why aren’t new champions punished for missing their abilities anymore?? Right now they can spam with little to no repercussions.

ALSO. NOT EVERY CHAMPION NEEDS TO BECOME URF. Riot is continually adding ways for champions to become little URF versions of themselves. Look at Essence Reaver right now. Literally the purpose of it and look at how unfun it is on champions that should be balanced around mana costs/cooldowns. (Lucian, JAX, Riven) Or look at the Vayne changes on the PBE?? 50% Cooldown while ulting on her q? Why.

The game needs to stop slowly becoming URF because frankly, the idea of counterplay is disappearing with how little repercussions there are.

Edit: A comment from a rioter. I don’t know how to hyperlink unfortunately but let’s foster some good discussion.

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