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China's new Online Gaming Ethics Review Committee reviews LoL. They recommend corrective action

Original and Untranslated Source of these claims

So the backstory to this is China setup a new ethics committee under the guidance of the Chinese Communist Party propaganda department to review 20 titles with League of Legends being one of those games in the alleged picture. The process has been frozen for most of this year and it's caused Tencent to lose $100 billion in market value due to "regulatory uncertainty". Source

A Redditor by the username ZeroWolfe547 translated the alleged picture of the ethic committee's review of LoL who was recommended "Corrective action". The most surprising one for me is "rewards given based on rank" issue that seems pretty common in most CN games.

Nevertheless I wonder how fast Tencent/Riot will "remedy" the issue of revealing characters. Characters like Eve already have "sensitive" versions for regions that have issue with "overly revealing characters" I have to wonder if this will be Riot's response.

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