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Riot shuld Remove, Rework or Patch Twisted Treeline

I know that there are a lot of people that really enjoy this mode as primary mode so the title is a bit provocative for the “remove” part but still, here’s my 2 cent on this mode:

Disclaimer. I played this mode for something like 100 ranked games so I wont call myself an expert, but I wanna give a feedback and a review on the state of this mode.

My thesis: this mode is in abandoned state by riot and should recive some patching to get fixed, because is frustrating in some aspects.

Pick/Ban: well, as for the main normal/ranked Q I think this mode should recive the chance to ban 5 champ per team. It seems absurd to me that a ranked mode is patched because with 150~ champ available 3 bans are too few and in another ranked mode this is not applied. I think it was because there are only 3 players in TT but I remember when a player was in charge of all 3 bans, so why don’t revive that system for this mode giving 1 player 3 ban and the others the remaining 2?

Jungle: I feel like the jungle is a bit overtuned, I can almost keep clearing camp with a 30~s of respawn between the last camp cleared and the first respawned. But I think that’s ok. The rank part here is “terrain scaling”. I feel like that every chmp that can in some ways ignore walls (kayn/rek’sai) is OP regardless their actual state in SR. That’s because in SR almost all walls are thin and can be jumped across a large number o champs, from kha to jax j4 and talon. But in TT the majority the walls are thicker than the one in SR so the few champ that can gank you across those walls have an un-matchable advantage.

Also the clear speed of kayn is absurdly high considered the aforementioned gank potential. Just nerf kayn out of this mode please. (bonus valid also in SR: the fact that kayn can run for so long inside a wall and disengage WHILE damaged is tilting me but let’s move on)

Vilemaw: Some quality of life (call it a noob help) request here: just give her the death-scream like the baron, nothing else to say about her. It just feels bad that in a mode without the chance of constant and reliable vision I can't have reliable intel about the capture of the only major objective a part from tower/altar.

Oh wait I think that facechechink is a fine reliable way of knowing if the only legendary monster on the map is captured. /s

Tower and Demolish: Those towers are made of glass. I understand that this is a fast game mode but I think the combo demolish + every champ is too strong. Since the lane is so short 2 ppl can easily kill 2 tower in a single push if they manage to kill just 1 player and still have 1 wave of minion. (on the other hand in this mode the chance of turtling + internal jungle camps is quite reliable so I think that’s not a major problem. Still taking a tower by a champ alone in a single push should not be allowed. Or that’s the idea behind this mode, idk)

To be fair Idk if the pre-season 9 changes will be applied in this mode but we will see.

Ranked system and Victorious Chroma: It feels bad to be “forced” what I feel like an un-polished and un-patched mode for a chroma. (second thought: im surprised not by the state of this mode but by the fact that there is a ranked Q for it while it’s in this state. Feel like an aram ranked Q)

I'm sorry for possible errors, i'm not English native speaker

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